Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gay Cruising Portland Oregon

A night with Venus Fire

happened in Merida, Badajoz province, before Merit Augusta, capital of Lusitania. Beautiful Roman city in ruins which speak for themselves of past glories. City, where the gods of Olympus as fixed from time residence. At least, Diana and Mars whose temples still preserved, attest to his step, and if it worked something, I tell you what I tell you then, not that I doubt also the veracity of this story:

A city that came from afar.
Tired and alone,
of hapless love,
that although the lead in the soul,
in other lands were.

And when there is calm,
full moon in the sky,
pale light in the room,
after reading a book
that was about gods,
fell asleep
between silver colors.
close my eyes I dreamed In
Venus visited me.

Seeing only, wanted comfort,
and a love story
with the last of her lovers,
came in my dream telling .
His voice a whisper,
his sleep came to my senses
and are sweet lullaby,
is, whispered in my ears:

Rest, rest
while you're asleep,
but in my dreams ...
Imagine what I say,
imagine ... a palace,
a room, marble flooring,
glass walls
alabaster columns,
and center ... a bathroom.
Like Aphrodite,
pearl shell ...
filled with water
and white foam.

front of me, that, my lover,
come from distant lands,
of open eyes, arrogant demeanor.
English to be exact.

I'm not sure why that of all my love without being in my heart, the elect, met both my joy, so much passion pouring into my senses. His figure, or his physical appearance, competing in beauty with other men surrendered to my feet ... Over there it was, and eager to please him, I forgot to previous adventures.

Do you sleep? Do you dream?
Carry on dreaming,
and your good rest,
your wishful thinking and your joy,
think it's you,
the noble knight who lived
love that game.

took but a kiss Change your tastes and the feathers on their fingers walking on my back for a frenzy moved consciousness. Singular fight scene of bodies overwhelmed by the excitement and lust inviting phrases.

My breasts in your hands,
my lips on hers,
my eyes in your eyes,
love flushed
played with will,
your burning body to my touch,
ineffable feel your joy.

In every kiss, heart
escaped from my chest,
every sigh,
my desire for loving
grew with longing.

was eagerly, earnestly,
appetite for your body,
greed, fervor, frenzy.
lust itself, looking for your corner,
cediƩndote my holes and hollows.

That madness! Many sounds of bells previous affair broke into smithereens! These, touched his ring glory and announced a new horizon for my flower garden. I gave myself to him, the night to dawn, more to his heart, the overflowing libido. It was his person, his feeling of loving whom I love without usury and offered without reserve.

As now your dream
where you got me,
where you wander and make me really mad,
me curves,
you squirm,
breathe me,
kiss you,
squeezed you,
caress you, bite me,
I feel in my gut
and feel that you come,
and you know that already came ...
prolonging a cry of pleasure
our throats.

may ring more bells
in my life, love goddess,
more, never, never!
turn off their sones
the echo of that in your dream
bells tonight
a magical beginning.
Thus ended the story,
the story to distract
my loneliness,
Venus told me in dreams.
More .. I could not tell verily,
if it was the goddess, or fruit was
of my mind.

; Carlos Serra


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