Sunday, April 24, 2011

Disney Toy Store In Melbourne

For Kame, we in LaSexta!

, reader of mine from my @ s ^ ^

kokoroncito How are you? xDD a cold I had thought to make an entrance by showing my love on the cup that I drink every day, but something happened vital. We went out on a story-writing-de La Sexta! what emotion, what fun, what felicidaaaaaaaaaaaaad ~ ~ xDDD That's what I felt when I heard. Then we changed a little thing, but leed, read before the news to get in position:

The news of the controversy xD

What news why the controversy? If you read you'll notice why. If not, I summarize it. At the end of the article k-pop and j-pop, have the opinion of an "expert in Asian culture" that leaves the k-pop jpop especially at the height of the bitumen. What does it say? Well, things like that are a geek subculture, urban tribe, and the jpop is what canis in Spain (for which you are not English, "Canis are more or less poligonera-choniles reggaeton xD). But Mrs. Mari Carmen Munoz, who's the name of our expert, not content with this, and stipulate that "are cultures empty, superficial, without content, perfect for teenagers," . I love her. Seriously. How can you say so crap in so few lines? ^ ^

Today I'm taking it a lot of fun, and now I notice that from now on EXPERT (in capital letters, as uppercase is its crap) appears many times in this blog off its major decisions, but yesterday was very angry . But a whole lot.

The article itself is fine, I liked how they arose, with references known to those who are not on the scene, with links to videos and good information, but to that end, for me, destroyed all the work that both Asian Club (about which I speak ^ ^) Big Bang as Spain did. Lo Curro is too much to put it in the end. And I can say it is only a personal opinion and all that. But no, what we have sold has been alleged that Asian culture expert has said on a particular cultural event. And you underestimated , has been despised and trampled . Thus, NO is a simple opinion. If you speak as an expert, do it with objectivity, leaving your tastes and preferences aside. Anything else would have spoken as anonymous, then there is nothing reprehensible in his opinion, but if you speak from the authority that gives you a assumed to be aware of something, must show complete objectivity. So no, I do not accept as a pet octopus;)

Anyway, here can be many varying opinions. Although I appreciate the interest in La Sexta, seriously, am of the view that to speak ill of something so wonderful better not speak, here I am not worth the "bad talk, but talk" because they are giving completely erroneous view of something, but can ye @ s do not think the same. So leave me your opinions, always with respect, of course ^ ^

We read soon! ^ ^


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