Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Laser Cat Declawing In Ontario

el fin y un comienzo....

irst P thank you very much for your comments, your good vibes, for your friendship.
has come the end of another year ... that was special to you, because what we feel special? was difficult? let us teach more than one life?. Certainly from the macro and the country has hit a tough year as the earthquake that devastated our lives marked a before and after in my generation, many people lost all their belongings, their homes, everything they had acquired with great effort, but lost the most valuable, the strength to move forward and rebuild there where everything was destroyed. Then ..... -What is not reached to size-happened to the miners trapped in the San José mine, I was running my tears when I heard they were alive! without a miracle. I felt for a moment that was in place .... how? is the sum of feelings, to empathize and take the place of the other even without having known, but we still lack a great deal of empathy, not only for catastrophes should emerge, but in our daily lives ... . In each particular situation one can summarize as was this year ... but above all have realized how short it is "time", we fail to do all the things that we propose? .... You have to take it easy changes to come in 2012 en todo orden de cosas, todo tiene un fin para un nuevo comienzo, y yo voy a estar ahi para recibirlo... Y por sobre todo doy gracias a Dios por las capacidades que me ha brindado, por todos los instrumentos que ha puesto ante mis ojos para armar este camino, nuevos desafios personales me he propuesto y ya comienzo a hilar las ideas y los proyectos para el siguiente año.

Salmon Charm.... (creo....)
Para uds la "manta de los poquitos"... si con los restos de lanitas que fueron quedando por ahi.... una vuelta una idea.. paz y reflexion...


oriental Lilium


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