Saturday, April 30, 2011

Arabic Greeting Template

" Faced with the same table

to rub their eyes,
accomplices of the same crime, to love

Friday, April 29, 2011

Trailblazer Ss Custom


Voices lipless
waving in the wind.

smooth metal throats yarn.

velvet Siergas
raving words acoustic
impossible. Swarm


Life heartbreaking silence hangs


rocks me in his magic melody
at the moment that continuity

leaking in every note. Discontinuity


Silence. Often

a sustained note for wireless

can grab that moment that there

and denies us
eternity "

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cute Cheap Dressy Skirts


" Sweating

to alleviate your memory. Today

pollinate me back your kisses

orange blossom in this ecstasy

color and aromas. Córdoba

patio becomes
and sweetness
petals caress


perfumed and luxuriant

like nectar
the flower of my desire.

You "

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Disney Toy Store In Melbourne

For Kame, we in LaSexta!

, reader of mine from my @ s ^ ^

kokoroncito How are you? xDD a cold I had thought to make an entrance by showing my love on the cup that I drink every day, but something happened vital. We went out on a story-writing-de La Sexta! what emotion, what fun, what felicidaaaaaaaaaaaaad ~ ~ xDDD That's what I felt when I heard. Then we changed a little thing, but leed, read before the news to get in position:

The news of the controversy xD

What news why the controversy? If you read you'll notice why. If not, I summarize it. At the end of the article k-pop and j-pop, have the opinion of an "expert in Asian culture" that leaves the k-pop jpop especially at the height of the bitumen. What does it say? Well, things like that are a geek subculture, urban tribe, and the jpop is what canis in Spain (for which you are not English, "Canis are more or less poligonera-choniles reggaeton xD). But Mrs. Mari Carmen Munoz, who's the name of our expert, not content with this, and stipulate that "are cultures empty, superficial, without content, perfect for teenagers," . I love her. Seriously. How can you say so crap in so few lines? ^ ^

Today I'm taking it a lot of fun, and now I notice that from now on EXPERT (in capital letters, as uppercase is its crap) appears many times in this blog off its major decisions, but yesterday was very angry . But a whole lot.

The article itself is fine, I liked how they arose, with references known to those who are not on the scene, with links to videos and good information, but to that end, for me, destroyed all the work that both Asian Club (about which I speak ^ ^) Big Bang as Spain did. Lo Curro is too much to put it in the end. And I can say it is only a personal opinion and all that. But no, what we have sold has been alleged that Asian culture expert has said on a particular cultural event. And you underestimated , has been despised and trampled . Thus, NO is a simple opinion. If you speak as an expert, do it with objectivity, leaving your tastes and preferences aside. Anything else would have spoken as anonymous, then there is nothing reprehensible in his opinion, but if you speak from the authority that gives you a assumed to be aware of something, must show complete objectivity. So no, I do not accept as a pet octopus;)

Anyway, here can be many varying opinions. Although I appreciate the interest in La Sexta, seriously, am of the view that to speak ill of something so wonderful better not speak, here I am not worth the "bad talk, but talk" because they are giving completely erroneous view of something, but can ye @ s do not think the same. So leave me your opinions, always with respect, of course ^ ^

We read soon! ^ ^

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gay Cruising Portland Oregon

A night with Venus Fire

happened in Merida, Badajoz province, before Merit Augusta, capital of Lusitania. Beautiful Roman city in ruins which speak for themselves of past glories. City, where the gods of Olympus as fixed from time residence. At least, Diana and Mars whose temples still preserved, attest to his step, and if it worked something, I tell you what I tell you then, not that I doubt also the veracity of this story:

A city that came from afar.
Tired and alone,
of hapless love,
that although the lead in the soul,
in other lands were.

And when there is calm,
full moon in the sky,
pale light in the room,
after reading a book
that was about gods,
fell asleep
between silver colors.
close my eyes I dreamed In
Venus visited me.

Seeing only, wanted comfort,
and a love story
with the last of her lovers,
came in my dream telling .
His voice a whisper,
his sleep came to my senses
and are sweet lullaby,
is, whispered in my ears:

Rest, rest
while you're asleep,
but in my dreams ...
Imagine what I say,
imagine ... a palace,
a room, marble flooring,
glass walls
alabaster columns,
and center ... a bathroom.
Like Aphrodite,
pearl shell ...
filled with water
and white foam.

front of me, that, my lover,
come from distant lands,
of open eyes, arrogant demeanor.
English to be exact.

I'm not sure why that of all my love without being in my heart, the elect, met both my joy, so much passion pouring into my senses. His figure, or his physical appearance, competing in beauty with other men surrendered to my feet ... Over there it was, and eager to please him, I forgot to previous adventures.

Do you sleep? Do you dream?
Carry on dreaming,
and your good rest,
your wishful thinking and your joy,
think it's you,
the noble knight who lived
love that game.

took but a kiss Change your tastes and the feathers on their fingers walking on my back for a frenzy moved consciousness. Singular fight scene of bodies overwhelmed by the excitement and lust inviting phrases.

My breasts in your hands,
my lips on hers,
my eyes in your eyes,
love flushed
played with will,
your burning body to my touch,
ineffable feel your joy.

In every kiss, heart
escaped from my chest,
every sigh,
my desire for loving
grew with longing.

was eagerly, earnestly,
appetite for your body,
greed, fervor, frenzy.
lust itself, looking for your corner,
cediéndote my holes and hollows.

That madness! Many sounds of bells previous affair broke into smithereens! These, touched his ring glory and announced a new horizon for my flower garden. I gave myself to him, the night to dawn, more to his heart, the overflowing libido. It was his person, his feeling of loving whom I love without usury and offered without reserve.

As now your dream
where you got me,
where you wander and make me really mad,
me curves,
you squirm,
breathe me,
kiss you,
squeezed you,
caress you, bite me,
I feel in my gut
and feel that you come,
and you know that already came ...
prolonging a cry of pleasure
our throats.

may ring more bells
in my life, love goddess,
more, never, never!
turn off their sones
the echo of that in your dream
bells tonight
a magical beginning.
Thus ended the story,
the story to distract
my loneliness,
Venus told me in dreams.
More .. I could not tell verily,
if it was the goddess, or fruit was
of my mind.

; Carlos Serra

Melina Velba Milk Car

The movies of my childhood: Beauty and the Beast

Hellooooow! ^ ^ Here I come with a new section is titled "What time was." As the title suggests, the dedicate to those movies, books, etc that filled my childhood ^ ^
therefore be mini-sections within the global section devoted to movies, books, anime, etc ^ ^ I know that is not very original idea and have made millions of blogs, but anyway , ilu me show you all that with what I enjoyed in my childhood ^ ^

Today we start with the movies section. And what movies I would see if they were not Disney? Disney has been the great factory peliculera of my life, and even today I love his movies. Yes, some may be slightly macho sin with that of the princess ends up being saved by the prince and all that, but others are absolutely wonderful. And among all these wonders, my favorite favorite is and always will be Beauty and the Beast (1991).

From minute 0 of the film can feel the Disney magic and enchantment. And ... ains Bella Bella, always will be, by far my favorite female character of all disney movies. Every time I see it, I could relate to his restless personality, devouring books and a dreamer. Absolutely fascinating. And if I go into the beautiful story of love between Beauty and Beast ... of all the movies, the best no doubt. The most genuine, real and realistic. And it is strange to say this when he was a monstrous animal, but it is. The way in which fall in love, little by little, without even realizing it, understood first, knowing ... nothing to do with other films of the factory, where the arrow is instantaneous (though not mean that they like it xDD)

And I can not make an entry on The Beauty and the Beast, not to mention its great soundtrack. Who does it make your hair stand on end to hear the ballad of Mrs. Potts? I love, love. And the beautiful dress of Bella, my childhood dream since I have memory xDDD

Anyway, I love this movie, and I never tire of seeing.

also took Beauty and the Beast 2: The Enchanted Christmas recounting times that in theory had happened while Bella was enthralled with Beast. They are loose comic does not follow a storyline (something like Cinderella 2), and although it is cute, even remotely approaches the original version. However, it is nice to see ^ ^

And here my memory input! ^ ^ Now is your turn to say about this wonderful movie. Tell me if you like it or not, if you brings back memories .... whatever! ^ ^ We read

soon! ^ ^

Monday, April 18, 2011

Alcoholism Broken Capilaries Red Face

a veces me doy cuenta

"Sometimes I realize as the leaves fall from trees, sometimes I realize as time goes on I'm not here, sometimes I realize that speed is a reverse of that I know, sometimes I realize how powerful transformation transmutation, sometimes I realize I'm here in my garden this lost that sometimes lets in the fall, that refuses to sleep ...

... warm fall colors on my back, in the soft branch swings slide the wrinkles of the fairies, they tell me that my feet lie in his grave the dead leaves colors that were once life ... .

More should not be sad, another life, another was awakened by those we thought forgotten, we do not think in the spring, for today remind us that here in this garden there is always spring ..... "

old Rosa
(s), alstroemeria, Cristante



nn and Concerto Floribunda


Queen Beatrix

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Create My Own Drivers License

wind lips


Faced with a coffee for company
sitting on the terrace of the Casino,
mired in disappointment it does not hurt if
know that kissing is worn,
sweeping surf wave after
and indifference comes
when the fire burned all the wood.
More, is the sadness
embers wrapped in
while other winds do not blow and fly
the ashes of oblivion.

After all life is constantly apparent
plated farewells.

are the days go by and

years go by and time on the slopes of
dreams are being

Carlos Serra
Safe Creative #1104180022599

Friday, April 15, 2011

Infection Of Throat And Gums


... will trace the dividing line that separates

our hearts for you to be hewers
by the dotted line ...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Desmume Mac

"They came in droves.

Like birds of prey lurking

everything that becomes dynamic.

was all in my brain barrier. Orcas Killer


A shower of meteorites

my mind. Throughout

what happens behind

of everything I think, always

YOU are killing me

silent "

Watch Xepisodes Iphone

someone to stick to Johnny-san ¬ ¬

And here I come, so you can see I'm serious about coming back, and this time with one of my outbursts xDD Because I said that entries would I would like to no? Well now I need to write this.

not know if I know, but my beloved Akanishi Jin (aka The Unnamable, the Am-cool-for-the-world-I-did-well, Master-a.Johnny, etc.) will to appear in a Hollywood film . 47 Ronin is called and is a joint production between the U.S. and Japan (in fact, the actors are famous Japanese actors). Not that I mind him well, and to succeed, or that Johnny-san love him deeply, not , good a little bit, what fool , what bothers me is that he have a film in Hollywood and my beloved, idolized, kissable, cuddly and especially Vast ACTOR Kame does not have a decent movie miserable or Japan! Because I refuse to accept Gokusen: The Movie like a decent movie ¬ ¬ I want a role worthy of my love , and not just movies but also in dramas, because I always had enough to give those roles that are too small.

Yamapi Why the hell is a movie (also because I do not accept as Kurosagi movie) and Kame no? May I ask why, eh !!!!? My future husband deserves and once, that give a good job, where you really can give us everything we have to offer, that much and we know it, whether or not his fans. Kame That is a great actor is indisputable that Yamapi is love but as an actor is not a big thing too. Jin is the darling of Johnny's also clear ... and wonder why, could someone kick in cataplines Johnny-san, to see if you start to think and head? ¬ ¬ (because not deceived, that Akanishi to make that movie is the result of perverse Johnny has given wide field to do what he wants, when, where and how he wants ... sooo ....¡ GUILTY! Ò.ó)

And here my entry filed today ... Did you volunteer to give Johnny, or otherwise want to love him and kiss him so much that pampers Jin cares? Any opinion is welcome , where respectfully, of course ^ ^

And of course, a post in which my amore name without putting a picture of my love can not be called post so Here, for your enjoyment = P

* * xD nosebleeding

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vip Suitcase Change Combination Lock

LADLV is back! ;) [+ Request BIGBANGera = P]

Hello! After from time to time, promise you an entry despite having thought I have no time to market, to tell you that again and blablabla, after all that, I've finally returned.

And this time to stay. But yes, with slight differences. I know I've said a thousand times I promised to write soon and I have not met, but this time is different. This time I want to go, really, I feel the need to restore this wonderful place so many good things brought me, but I recall what it was at the beginning: a way to escape from daily concerns and responsibilities, to have some fun without more claims than that. So I decided to retake it, but I'm going to take very calmer.

What does this mean? No entries that take me four hours of preparation (as happened with the Wows!), Or that I feel obliged to do. I want to post what I want, what you need at the moment, without feeling obligated to anything.

course, do not worry, because what I want is usually beautiful and always related to ikemens xDDD babeables

This does not mean you are posting things without rhyme or reason, no. In fact, I have several sections planned for some time, and little by little I mostrándooslas, but will not set a parameter of publication, but publish them when you find the inspiration, I do not feel obliged to do so, because then it loses its fun and it goes back to before.

Soo .... after this long explanation, and yes I can say it loud and clear: THE WINGS OF LIFE !!!!! HA VUELTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ^ 0 ^

I'm sooo happy! I do not know if many people will by now, but I hope at least a pair or two of comments eh? xDD And speaking of follow vosotr @ s "you see me box fan on the right? Because I long ago I can not see>. \u0026lt;And do not know why = S

Continuing with the blog, have you seen what change of look prettier? I love it! = 3 as seeing to be usual, the header is my beloved Queen of Photoshop, alias Holic, which by the way today just return your blog too (and now that I say, I have to thank both her and the conversation Bamboo twitter, which has been quite crucial when re = P). For this reason, the header is beautiful work of his magical hands and creativity = P my love has temporarily left the chairmanship of blog not of my kokoro , but soon will (and also have a blue turtle on behalf xDD yours).

And once the introductions of rigor, I want to explain something very important SOOOOO * Ahem, throat clearing, ahem *

CHICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! WE GET A GROUP OF K-POP COME TO SPAIN! And not just any group, no, BIG BANG !!!!! "Do you know, yes, no? If so no need for presentations, if not just tell you to hear that you are going to fall motionless to his feet.

I already speak more at length about them another day, because I also recently discovered that I have and I already love them, but I've come today is to request your assistance.

BIG BANG is a group famosisíiiiisimo in Asia and want to do a world tour! But real world, not the Asian world, including four countries in Asia and ready xD So in his official Facebook have created a kind of survey to see how many fans they have in each country. And whoever has more, as more likely it is to be (in fact, in the event say "Vote for BIG BANG visit your country!") And that pliiiiiiiis fa, do the favor of voting to Spain! ! If you are not English, but Latin, no problem, because the votes are divided into three regions: 1.América, 2.European and 3.Asia and can vote in one country from each region, so your country and Vote Spain by fiiiiiss! If you like, leave a comment and I pledge to vote also your country;)

And now the big question that you can be doing if you are not k-poppy: "Why I'm voting for a group or know, and above is k-pop, I do not like? Really easy! Because the k-pop and j-pop go together! If a k-pop group famous in Asia has hit here too, j-pop groups also be interested in coming, and we could have Arashi, KAT-TUN (OMK! NEWS !!!), and many others love! So you know, girls, not fight for a dream, the dream we fight for all !!!!!! > 0 \u0026lt;

Click on the image and give the "Like" the country you go to vote! ^ 0 ^

We read too soon, and this time for real!! ;) (And sorry that I pass by your blog, but I have no time esq nothing really stressed ... I know it's crazy now return to the blog, but just why I feel the need ... yet well, I hope to find some time to visit those many blogs that I love to read ^ - ^) Thanks for your

apoyoooo!! ^ 0 ^

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blackheads One Side Of Face

AERO (P / M) ort

" chased

in the nest of untimely haste

-sink come.

Rivers of memories. Oceans


gaps that make a dent. Orgy of seconds

-concave-dormant in the voice

no return happens.

Welcome to the instantaneous
of time

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nikon Fireplace Nikon

Does the soul or life?

At the corner where they sleep every night my dreams

wanting to see you awake.

In this place where time becomes

cocoon and chrysalis

silence solidifies. That


that moment that we embrace seismic

you and me.

A place for the enjoyment of beating

not touch
of things.

becoming shorter

An inventory

of affection lost in the toxic solution
where our hearts drown

buried by the rush.

The soul or your life?, I wonder

while I jump into the abyss

requires that we always

heart "

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How To Tell When Glock Was Made

" In my lips, a flower

that offers no "to change"

The skims the air is clear

of memories that bring you to me. On the dock


of my eyes, your stillness


the distance,

dividing line that splits into two blue

which stained

dreams eternity "

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Toronto's Gay Cruise Spots


" Your eyes can strafe

the vacuum energy

that rocks the world and eliminate

stars. His eyes are

time that part where the clock

eternity touches my instant

blue. Filaments


the skin of my be (r) resources.

eyes look and color


Flocks of birds
absent. Alas

cage without bars.

Liberties imprisoned
the past.




Without You "